The guests of honor for Ropecon 2015 are Michelle Nephew and Jason Morningstar.
Michelle Nephew
Michelle Nephew has been at Atlas Games for over 15 years, and in that time has worked on more than a hundred RPG books, card games, and board games.
After years of playing Shadowrun and Vampire in college, Michelle’s game editing career began with Atlas Games’ Three Days to Kill, the very first adventure available for sale under the Open Game License. She followed that up by authoring her own OGL adventure, The Tide of Years. Over the next few years she sent nearly forty OGL products to press as Penumbra Line Developer.
While continuing to edit and develop games for Atlas, she finished her Ph.D., writing her dissertation on the topic of authorship and roleplaying games. A chapter from that has since been published in Gaming As Culture (a collection of academic essays on RPGs), and she contributed a chapter to the Kobold Guide to Board Game Design.
Michelle is also a past Board Member for the Game Manufacturer’s Association (GAMA), and has appeared as Guest of Honor at premier conventions like Gen Con and Origins. The games she’s worked on have won numerous awards — like the Parents Choice, Tillywig, Origins, GAMES 100, and ENnie Awards to name a few — and have appeared on TableTop with Wil Wheaton.
Michelle’s recent focus at Atlas Games has been developing and editing card games and board games, including fan favorites Gloom, Once Upon a Time, and Dungeoneer. She also designed her own transparent card game about assembling the ultimate Renaissance faire costume, called Ren Faire.
Michelle lives in Duluth, Minnesota, with her husband John and their three children. John’s grandmother was Finnish, so Michelle is looking forward to seeing if what she’s heard about Finland is true.
Jason Morningstar

Steve Segedy is also accompanying Jason to Ropecon 2015.